Spreading Gospel-centered love for the spiritual and physical healing of the world.


We ultimately labor to exalt Jesus Christ because humankind’s chief purpose is to know and enjoy God forever. Because Jesus is the ultimate reality and the source of all truth, meaning, and life everything we say and do as an organization will be centered on Jesus and informed by the wisdom He gives. Any objective isolated from the supremacy of Christ will be fruitless and idolatrous.



Jesus commands us to give thanks in every situation. We know that we deserve nothing yet God gave us everything in Jesus, therefore we wait with patience and a grateful heart as the Lord supplies our needs on this side of Heaven. This gratitude for God’s grace fuels faith in His promises and encourages our souls. Our hearts overflow with joy, inviting others to come share in this great treasure with us down the narrow path.


We resolve to not only to uplift those who look like us, but also those from other cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic backgrounds. We recognize the differences in the issues each group faces, and we understand that these differences call for nuanced solutions. We strive to love all throngs of people with the love God has shown us, a love that reaches to the depths of our unique struggles and stories. Our love, thus, crosses all boundaries. Once boundaries are crossed, we will look for solutions to all of society’s problems. 



We approach others with a posture of humble service, regardless of their position within society. We believe all people are created equally in the image of God and none has rightful standing above another. We understand that any success our platform yields is not a result of our labor, instead, it is entirely a gift of God so there is no reason for boasting. As an organization and as individuals, we are humble enough to accept reproach, admit our mistakes, and strive to correct them.


We strive to be prototypic as we lead in reconciliation, justice, and love to fulfill all needs for our communities by meeting people in their physical needs and pointing them to their eternal spiritual needs.


We exist to share the Truth in a way that helps men and women grow in their awe of God and to challenge them to love their neighbors as themselves and to encourage people down the Narrow Path to eternity with God.