A Wandering Thought
THERE are seasons in my life when the channels that nourish my heart are dammed by my lack of understanding. In other words, my reception of love is contingent upon my ability to feel love. Wisdom reveals that this season of mine must be mined diligently, because hidden answers will prolong my distress. Introspection is the tool of choice as I consider the cause. One may instinctively wonder, how can a Christian experience a drought of love? In a very real sense, it is illogical because God is love (1 John 4). God, who is the Author and Creator of emotion, allows me the liberty to drink deeply of Love throughout life. The greater my hunger, the greater the possibility of my filling. Love is always present like the air I breathe, I must, simply, inhale. I have the possibility of satiation and like the Chameleon I become one with my environment. Therefore, my hunger becomes contagious. The Love I experience is the Love I share and as life teaches, we attract what we are. So, when I say I don’t feel love, what am I saying? At this point, it would be disrespectful to say that I am ignorant of Love or I reject Love. Love Himself, loves me and this is unlike any love I’ve ever experienced before. Not even Shakespeare’s pen could describe this Love! I have convinced myself that I’m not loved, but the truth is I lack physical expressions of the Love that consumes me. This void can only be placated by the invisible God. Paradoxically, the reason for the melancholy is unmasked as the dryness was a grace given by Love to remind me of the whole, energizing, refreshing love that is only found in Love. Why quench my thirst from a canteen when I have access to Living Water which will quench my thirst for eternity (John 4)? To look outside of God for anything drastically alters the maze of life. If I wear this truth around my neck, His water will always nourish me because, there is no good thing apart from Him (Ps 16).
“Whom I have in Heaven, but You? I desire you more than anything on Earth.”