A Psalmy Hortation
Please read Psalm 119 before continuing.
A friend of mine once asked, “If you woke up with everything you thanked God for yesterday, what would you have today?” Some of us may wake up with life, but no limbs to engage with the life around us. Others may wake up with food but not any flavors to savor or any teeth to chew. Here in the middle of the longest Psalm in the Bible— we see an innocent, childish question. And don’t misunderstand me— nothing is wrong with being childish because our teacher, Immanuel, the God who is with us, taught that we must be childish if we want to enter into Heaven. And now another childish question is before us, the Psalmist Beth asks— how can a young person stay on purity’s trail? But, before the answer is unveiled, we must understand that there is no old person in the world. We all are young compared to ageless eternity. The question is old, yet the answer is young. We must live according to His Word.
Today, may we thank God, the only God who is mighty that we have His Words. We should thank God that we can read and understand His Word. We should thank God that His Word, since the day we’ve opened it, it has been a light to our feet and a light to our path. We should thank Him that His Word has revealed our Salvation. We should thank Him that His Word grows our faith, the very thing we need to know Him. All paths lead somewhere. This path of purity will lead us to His gates. Haven’t you read in Matthew— Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!
“Teach me, then, Lord, to bring to you, all that I may be, to all I do, my God and king, a consciousness of Thee.”