A Thoughtful Gait
WALKING is one of the best exercises we can endeavor in. We need to walk just as much as the dog does (we are both creatures). Did you know, when we walk, while under heavy amounts of stress, the physical exertion upon your body increases Cortisol which abates stress within your body. Whereas to lift weights or run while under heavy amounts of stress is counterproductive as the physical stress multiplies by the already present mental stress. Walking is conducive to healthy Cortisol levels, which help us to live stress-free as we avoid premature death. If the science didn’t persuade you, maybe the mental rousing, hereafter mentioned can.
Walking is conducive to healthy Cortisol levels, which help us to live stress-free as we avoid premature death.
Apart from the scientific benefits of walking, there are also many objective lessons one can learn on a hearty stroll. For example, as I walked today, I focused on the trees. There are millions upon millions, if not infinite, species of plant. Or as the child may existentially deduce, trees are only bigger pieces of grass. Trees, however, are filled with objective lessons. Have you noticed that trees have unlimited potential? The potential of course, is curbed by myriad variables. But, the main prohibiting factor is the essence of a tree. In other words, nothing created can go beyond or become more than what YHWH destined it to be. The apple tree can never become a cherry tree. YHWH creates everything with purpose. There is nothing He creates without one, unique purpose. He is omniscient and omnipotent! If He were to behave carelessly and thoughtlessly with the trivial, ephemeral, and minute how could He ever be trusted with the eternal?
Nothing created can go beyond or become more than what YHWH destined it to be.
A tree, when given the right environment can thrive beyond the imagination of the botanist. The same is true for the infant. Why? I believe the environment is consequential. Trees grow into the sky. What is there in the sky to hinder a tree from stretching its branches every morning? There is no roof over its head to stunt its growth. I guess the sky is the limit! I doubt trees are even aware of their growth (playfully assuming trees have cognizance to do this). The tree that was created to grow hundreds of feet attains its purpose when the conditions are pristine, roots are deeply nourished, and flow of water is consistent. Reader, we have no need to feel or become jealous because we, like the tree, can know and strive and reach our purpose. We only need to emulate the tree and position ourselves in an environment that cultivates our growth. There are only two options to our germination— growth or death. It is impossible to do both simultaneously. As humans our possibility to grow is eternally ethereal. For, the seeds we plant now will one day bloom. Will your fruit be sweet with deep roots or will your fruit be bitterly genetically modified as the bark of your roots rot, becoming food only to the maggots? Reader, seriously, think about this and position yourself for growth. Be like the dog, don’t speak only understand.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in Me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”