A Wandering Thought
“Boys flying kits haul in their white winged birds;
You cannot do that when you are flying words.
Thoughts unexpressed may fall back dead
But God Himself can’t stop them once they’re said.”
BEWARE! Shrewd lies are innocently wrapped in tradition! One of the biggest lies which has deceived us generation after generation is that old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It is one of those statements that everybody says or unthinkingly accepts as truth. This phrase was spoken into our ears by parents, teachers, and other influences whose words have become so trustworthy that we would doubt ourselves before we doubt them. For the physical is contrasted with the nonphysical. Who can disagree that the weight of this scale leans towards the former? So we swallow their teachings as scorching concrete swallows water. We trust solely upon reputation, however, blind trust is a fool’s confidence. We remember not David’s boast of faith, because his words did not kill the formidable, warrior but it was a stone slung from a stick (1 Samuel 17). (Wasn’t his words the catalyst of this event? )
Words are thoughts materialized. Words are the main transportation of our desires and they wield a greater reach than the wind. Sticks and stones wound, but technology and medicine reduces those wounds to nothing. Whereas words spoken sting the soul and become vivid memories that corrosively and progressively sap the strength of a man. Our memories survive through words. Joyous days are spoiled with the reminder of words spoken. Anger rushes into our hearts after we consider words spoken. Marriages are conceived with spoken words. The truth is, words are omnipotent and only the understanding man can exercise their strength. On his bed he meditatively sings thanks to the LORD, “Vast is my relief that my hunch was wise to hold my tongue, when to have spoken would have hurt far beyond my powers ever to amend or heal.” Our ears are windows we cannot close, hopefully—in haste— we will learn and sing the lyrics of the understanding man.
“With our tongues we praise our Lord and Father. Yet, with the same tongues we curse people, who were created in God’s likeness.”