Timeless Truth
This post is also featured on Columbia University's blog, The Witness.
God’s splendor and majesty are beyond anything this world can offer. Would a view from the top of the mountains of Masada be more majestic than His throne? Would the rushing waters of Niagara Falls be more powerful than His Word? Surely not. Sadly, time scrolling on social media is more valuable to us than walking with the God of the Universe. Our excuse—I forgot. In our busyness we forget God. We forget the One who raises the sun and at night tells the moon to take its place. We forget the One who created us with the fingers of His hand. To forget God is a deplorable thing! Why do our hearts eagerly burn to taste things of the flesh than to feast upon the green pastures of His word? I raise the question, “Do we forget of the upcoming academic exam? What about the paycheck that is expected at the end of the week”? Yet, we forget to think about the One who supplies the very air we breathe.
We have time to sleep, eat, converse with friends, and even scroll on social media, but we can’t make time for God.
Besides forgetfulness, for both the Believer and unbeliever, I hear two ubiquitous objections. The first is, “I just have no time”. We say directly and indirectly, “Depart from me Lord for other things are of more value”. We have time to sleep, eat, converse with friends, and even scroll on social media, but we can’t make time for God. On the day of Judgement, God will likewise have no time to hear our arguments, echoing our words: Depart from me.
The second objection is, “God is boring. The Bible is esoteric.” Yet, we make these conclusions forgetting that God is a spirit and it is impossible to understand Him with human intellect. Thus, we exhaust our intellectual power and conclude that it’s God who is the problem, not us. However, there is no inert passage in the Bible. There is nothing more intriguing than words that are living, breathing and sharp enough to divide soul and spirit. Therefore, this excuse ironically reflects the need to delve more deeply into the Word. If it’s boring, then why go to Heaven where eternity is spent learning and praising the Triune God? In such a case, wouldn’t it be a greater punishment to be in Heaven, than in Hell?
Hear about Jesus, read about Jesus, think about Jesus, know about Jesus, and in doing so you will find a faith stirring up in you more abundant than the daisies of the field.
What would become of us, if God were to forget about us for just a second? Would gravity crush us? Would the earth that is upheld by His hand, fall through space only to crash into another planet? I can’t fathom the thought of the Good Lord forgetting to tend to His sheep. If God were to forget about us, the horror that awaits us would be one that the omnipresent eye of social media wouldn’t record. Yet, God loves us so greatly, that before He spoke ex nihilo (out of nothing), He wrote our names in the Book of Life. He made us a world that nurtures us. He gave color to the world, flavor to food, and laughter to our souls all so that we may enjoy Him. But, that was merely a preface to what is to come. God daily sends angels to guard us from the one who roams to and fro. There are Angels who guard us with powers so great that darkness dares not to even venture in their direction. God, in one of His greatest acts of mercy, authored the Bible, compassionately giving us breadcrumbs that lead to the gates of Heaven. But, would our prudent God stop there? He further orchestrated that the Word will become flesh so that even in sin we may be reconciled. A great mystery it is that the thrice Holy God would not forget us, but only forget our sins. How can we dare forget about the Triune God?
For those who want to know of Christ and those who want to rekindle their fire for the Lord, remember this: hear about Jesus, read about Jesus, think about Jesus, know about Jesus, and in doing so you will find a faith stirring up in you more abundant than the daisies of the field. I implore you, find time. May you be encouraged.
“Does a young woman forget her jewelry, or a bride her wedding dress? Yet for years on end my people have forgotten me.”