A Gallant Suggestion 4 My Sistas
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Pro.4
WHEN you meet the one life changes. I mean, someone you’re not infatuated with but one you can selflessly, unconditionally, and rationally commit to. Life no longer is singular, it becomes thoughtfully plural. Your idea of the future changes and you think about your life as something done together. True love only happens once. Eve was formed from only one of Adam’s ribs. If you’ve had myriad lovers, how can you know when you’ve ever met the one? Love is dangerous. An innocuous, thoughtless pursuit of love will leave scars eternity can not erase. Love is permeant, even in its infancy. It was never meant to be ephemerally indulged in. It’s a paradox that love is both a pleasure and state of being. Our understanding of love is distorted because every person we meet, we assume is the one. Do not force, coerce, or manipulate your lover to wear the shoes of commitment because ulterior motive, insincerity, or trauma is the bomb that implodes over time. My sistas, have you noticed, Solomon’s warning in Song of Songs cautions us to move with patience? You can never wait too long for a good thing. My sistas, reflect, can you intelligently express what you admire about the one you love? What inimitable need do you have of that person? If none, run like Joesph.
In a relationship love requires patience to mature but it takes even greater patience, with self, in singleness, to prepare for love. Prepare your heart and mind and soul, then the real love you offer will be the real love you receive; and, it will be overflowing and abundant! Love is the most elusive noun in our Universe. It can be had only through intention and sacrifice and mindfulness.
“Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, not to awaken love until the time is right. ”