A Wandering Thought
THE ELDERS TEACH, when you watch people you love evolve the relationship matures. This principle is illustrated when parents experience their children’s evolution from conception to birth to puberty to graduation to vocational occupations, etc. At each of these timestamps, the parent’s love for the child intensifies. Their maturity, passively, allows the relationship to deepen and widen through understanding. Notice I didn’t use the words grow or expand, instead evolution. The core of the relationship, unconditional love, always remains, how it is understood and then expressed morphs. For, time, although neutral in nature, takes a back seat to the omnipotence of love. That is why true love lasts forever. Love is the wind the ship sails in, the rudder that guides the ship, the water that carries the ship, and the vessel itself. Time merely voyages as a quiet, vulnerable passenger, subjected to love’s motion only capable of documenting its every move as the Pharisees did Jesus. Time elongates history, but it is love that preserves memories.
Memory is one gift of love.
When death finds someone, you love, hiding on Earth, the memory of them remains fresh and vivid as it meets you in the future. Why is this? Memory is one gift of love. Time can be a trap door, as its permanence is often illusionary and fleeting. That is why we assume that it is the most precious thing on Earth. But, how miserable would you be if you lived for eternity with none to love? With none to evolve with. Actually, how we use our time is of greater importance than how much we have. Yes, life is driven by time, but time does not modify love. Our love must inform how we use time to express our mature understanding of those we claim to love.
“You belong to me, I have made you mine. I have fought for you within myself, from the beginning, and always anew, and perhaps forever.”