Trayvon Martin

Rest In Peace brother. 
For I pray that’s what you found.
As you lay in the ground 
You hide from worries
And in the stillness of it all 
You can contemplate the meaning of time 
As you walk the streets of gold 
There you don’t find isms
They look diligently 
But have yet to find you 
Rest In Peace brother.
For as long as I live, you will too.
I will not let the world forget of your martyrdom
A cause bigger than all of us 
One that can blot out the blue
In the sky and in the ocean
One that requires a life or two or three or four
The war is almost over
As we approach the land of nomore 
It’s a slow march to the end of the strife
Your blood screams for Justice 
And it has yet to dry up 
Rest In Peace brother. 
For death has relived you of your duties.

How many more martyrs will bleed their last before we wake up, stand up, demand, and fight for justice?
— Mumia Abu-Jamal

Closed Eyes

