Other Half
God is a mystery
God is LOVE
Therefore, love is a mystery
I’ll never understand why she do what she do
I’ll never understand why her beauty reaches the depths of my soul
I’ll never understand her
But it’s a journey I’m willing to take
So when I don’t get my way
I convince myself I’ll wait
He’s working on me
He’s working on her
His timing is perfect
Love with her… I yearn for
Like the sprinter needing air
Like the plants needing Sun
Like the water needing wetness
He needs her
They say LOVE is impossible
But I know it’s possible
They say LOVE is improbable
But I know it’s tangible
They say LOVE ain’t grabable
But I know it’s haveable
Cuz anything’s possible
With Hope, Faith, Prayer
In and to the God of all three
“The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten.”