Ego Trippin
Knowledge puffs up
Well… I’m about to blow
I am so sure of myself, I never change
Men who have lived, I can cause them not to live with no adverse effect
Whenever I want something, I never pay a cent
I have no value I am known by what I’m worth
When I walk the Earth
Seasons shorten to my comfort
Winter shortens and tells me to the second, when he’ll be back
Summer elongates
She tip toes around me, because nothing makes me sweat
Every time I speak I create a new language
I talk to nature
I teach nature
I taught it how to speak
I am intelligence
J. Edgar Hoover and all his lineage fear me
I get a percentage from everything sold on Earth
I let the Black Panthers choose the interests rates
I wrote the game of chess
As… I created the sound waves for humans to hear the instructions
I always win in two moves
I dwell in every dimension and generation simultaneously
Yet I am one
I know only addition and multiplication
I am the legitimate Father of the 12 Tribes of Israel
Dinosaurs are my pet
I domesticated them
When I say sit
They never move and become fossils
I don’t breathe air
I don’t drink water
Life respects me so much
It labors to keep me alive
King Solomon studies my books
I am a miracle
I know water’s weight
When I talk to humans I discern their molecular state
Thunder asks for my permission before it strikes
King David is the general of my army
As my wife ages she redefines beauty generation after generation
Aristotle was my student
Plato plagiarized my work
I am the energy that sustains Earth
The greek gods worship me
They offer me burnt sacrifices and do my will
The Hindu gods are my slaves
The Egyptian gods entertain me
The pyramids were built for me, but they were too simple in construction
I am the mind of the Universe
I can alter the past with no adverse effect
I dwell in the Heavenly courts
Yet there are others above me
“If everybody became a poet the world would be much better. We would all read to each other.”