Handy Dandy

Before I was, He was

Once I was only a thought in His head 

I wasn’t a memory, but an expectation 

Nor was I dead or alive 

I was apart of a plan 

2 influence history 

Formed in time 

No need to induce 

On time 

Every time 

In His hands 

In one or both? 

It don’t matter

In His hands 

I was formed from the dirt 

I was knit in a womb 

I am bundled like the wheat 

I stand on my feet 

Whenever I stretch 

I bump into His palm 

Where else will I find meaning? 

As I look through the gaps in His fingers

Out there… what’s better… than in here?

In His hands, this, this, is where I shall be 

To ensure I don’t wander 

I’ll amputate my feet 

Lord, Who for ever livest, and in Whom nothing dies; for before the foundation of the worlds, and before all that can be called “before”, Thou art, and art God and Lord of all which Thou hast created.
— St. Augustine

Shy Lovers


4 A Brudda PT 5