Hell is Hot
The darkness cripples
My footing is unstable
I know nothing about right living
I look for light but find only darkness
I look for bright skies but walk in gloom
I grope like the blind along a wall, feeling my way like people without eyes
Even at brightest noontime, we stumble as though it were dark
Among the living, we are like the dead
Even the most gentle sound, like the laughter of a baby, out of the darkness…
The familiar becomes unknown
And like Carbon Monoxide
The darkness seeps into me
I lay paralyzed in my own filth
Swallowed by the evil
With deprived jolly I travel down the wide road
“As soon as you awake, the first thing to be observed by the eyes of your mind is your position in the field of battle, where you are hemmed in by enemies and under the absolute necessity of fighting or perishing forever.”