Internal Conference
My heart inquired of my soul, “Why are you downcast?”
My soul allowed silence to answer and tears crowded his eyes
My heart, impatient like a child, huffed and puffed
My brain the sage of the two, interjected, “Life is made up of mysterious stuff.”
My heart asked, “What?”
My brain cautiously looked around, preparing to tell a secret
His eyes screamed, I can keep it!
“Life”, began my brain, “is filled with desire.
Yet, this desire plagues us all, its reach is like the wind and its power like a current.”
My heart, thumping with excitement, impatiently blurted, “The desire for love.”
My brain raised his hand to tame, and resumed his lesson
“The choir of emotions can no more sing! My words are simple and plain.
We are vexed with a mystic pain.
God has cursed us. We are eternally bound by a misunderstood chain.”
My soul, hopeless, rolled on his side to sleep, he tossed and turned all night. Another defeat.
“Who of us has two souls to send one to the mountain and the other to the valley?”