Love or Perish

Love is a giving of self

I give what I have,

My time, my money, myself 

Like the cup full of water

I water the gardens around me

Like the rays of the sun 

I feed the world below 

Love, it reaches high and it 

Sinks low, to the ocean flo’

But, it goes deeper than that

Love reaches down and scratches the dinosaur’s back 

And it shoots up

Like a person who hit snooze and is now late

It transcends the state 

It’s destination is Heaven’s gates

Love, and now y’all know what it takes

Love or Perish 

A lot is at stake 

Our only responsibility is to love. Whether we are loved backed. Whether love becomes productive in ways we can measure, this, is not our business. The nature of love, is to love.
— Howard Thurman

Fine Artistry


4 A Brudda PT 2