One Purpose

The Lord formed us all from the same earth

Yes, He created us all from the same dirt

And we all have great worth

Because the Lord formed us, from His earth

He fashioned us with His fingers

We took no thought, for the Lord knew how He wanted us to look from the start

In — His — image

One Holy Breath He breathed into us

One Breath filled our lungs

One Breath caused the blood to flow

One Breath caused our love to grow

One Breath gives life to all

His Breath is insatiable

It never stalls

He blessed us with His talent

Graced us with His beauty

Ha, we even reflect Him when we’re moody

He lavished us with love

It was He who sent Christ to rest upon our soul like a dove

All so that we would be made in His image

A mystery that is

Because our minds could never think like His

Shades and tones and accents

Millions and billions of people

All to reflect one God

While we are so unique

Only one God we seek

The words He speak

Let us make man in Our Image

So that the world can see

Yes, they can have a front row seat

To my greatest creation


The man who is made in His image, only finds purpose as he conforms to the Image.
— Kokushi


3 Strikes


To a Black Father