I Went 2 Sleep In The Dark

I’ve watched the sun rise

It shyly creeps from behind the rock which veils its glory

My lover, I watched her 2

The same way I watch the sun

How, every hour, it rises and sheds anew

How it broods upon the Earth and all on Earth revere it

She too, crept into my life like the rays of the sun seeping into my room at dawn

With the same regal grace

Her smile faded from her face

Complaints manifested in my hearing

I tried to retrace

Ya know, recreate the olden days

But, she faded out of my life like a shadow does at night

The sun has set

I am frozen

Forced to watch the moon rise

There are gaps in my teeth where words once lived. Forgive me when every tongue-kiss taste like sacrilege.
— Ms. Foster

How Deep Are Your Pockets?


A Withered Seed