
The world views me different

Sometimes, I think God does too

The man with 5 strikes

Now tell me… what ima do

I tread lightly

Unsure when justice will fall

Trepidation before every step

Present for soul-call

Be like a child

Was the motto to follow

But this boy became a man

And life

Life, was a hard pillow to swallow

The darkness is cold

And the sun don’t always shine

Like a shadow

The rain follows me

The thunder, keeps me in line

The lighting is my light

But it’s capricious and far off

My luck has ran out

My grace has shriveled up

The man wants to be a boy

But life

Life, ain’t got no restart

Needles pierce my ailing body, and my pain grows greater. This life of mine, which has been like a disease- what is its meaning? In all the world I haven’t a single friend to whom I can unburden my soul. Truly all that appears to the eye is only a flower that blooms in a day.

Happily Ever After


Twins of Heart