Blessings unto Your Holy Name

The One who heals the pain

My sorrows are blown away like seeds of a dandelion

He refreshes like a Spring rain

When understanding hides

And logic is illogical

He gives not a greater piece of Himself

But opens my eyes 2 His closeness

The pain subsides

It fades like a memory from my youth

His healing seeps into my body

Planting itself at the roots of my molecular structure

Within His concoon

I metamorph into what I will be

I build new memories, for I am a new me.

I’m renewed, a new creature

The old must yield

I’m born again

Healed of sin

The pain of my sanctification

The tears wash away the dirt

The fire consumed and refined

Behold my rebirth

My wholeness is one, its Divine

If you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight, obeying his commands and keeping all His decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I am YAHWEH RAPHA.
— Exodus 15:26.

Love Concretized


4 My Child