A Wandering Thought
AS I walked the streets today, alive and aware, I heard the euphonious voice of a singer. This fellow’s voice hushed nature. The birds rolled their eyes in envy. For a brief moment, I imagined I was in Eden. An environment where men operate shamelessly, competently, and delightfully so that God may be illuminated before other living beings. This thought dominos onto the next. The LORD is eternal, which means that He had no beginning, nor will He have an end. Therefore, all knowledge of Him is cumulative. The things in nature and life matures what we have already learned of Him previously.
A man’s hypnotizing serenade drenches our understanding of the LORD; it should make you reflect about how amazing and wonderful and creative the LORD is. Allow me to illustrate my point. First, everything we are and everything we will ever be is only because we were created, like how a potter forms clay. Can Lebron James boast of his work ethic? Or is he a great player because he was created 6’9 and 250 pounds? What about Floyd Mayweather’s rabbit-like reflexes? Does he attribute his skill to his training camp? Can an Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots (Jer. 13)?
Again, all that we are and all that we will be is a gift from the Creator. No man can boast because what would become of Lebron’s person if he had the same work ethic, but was a honeybee? We must always be thankful, and our gratitude should make us as humble as grass. Reader, think deeply about these words for without the toil of introspection no profit can be earned. Selah.
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.”