A Necessary Complexity
OUR humanity is very complex. So is life because life is made up of us. In Heaven, there is no doubt the majority of eternity will be spent learning about the eternal Mystery. Yet, we don’t consider the amount of time will we spend learning about ourselves. To understand God, it is imperative that our self-exploration is thorough. For, we are only pieces of a pie. But, such an inscrutable puzzle can only be completed in Heaven, when we are perfect and free from the influence of sin in our thinking. This is not to say that we usurp God in importance. My point is, we can’t understand God until we understand ourselves.
To understand God, it is imperative that our self-exploration is thorough.
In actuality, unfortunately, we spend very few time on Earth in introspection or retrospection. It is possible that we are fearful of our past, or, maybe we know truth requires too much mental and emotional space. As we survey the square footage of our hearts, the vain and ephemeral things have become dense. Therefore, we justify our ignorance by convincing ourselves that only what’s visible demands our attention. However, this only delays the conflict as it imperceptibly multiplies. If a Mystery created us in His image, are we not in a sense, a mystery unto ourselves? How else can we explain why one day we wake up and dislike a thing we’ve infused with our life? Ask any married couple, although their love remains constant, their emotions towards one another is capricious. What rationale can explain our fickleness? We are all very, very mysteriously complex. This is why Paul the Apostle writes, in 1 Corinthians, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” Unless we begin to understand ourselves, we will only be able to understand life through bits and pieces rather than a whole part; and, if we adopt this lens, we must blame ourselves for such irresponsible living.
“We are not just the outcome of our actions, we are the process.”