A Wandering Thought

IT will be a vain task to count the amount of people YHWH has created since Adam. The number would be so great that not even George Washington Carver, with his genius, could begin to fathom how to find this answer. What is even more astonishing than this lies in the behavior of our numerous siblings. Have you noticed, not even one human has ever given YHWH love? For those who try to love Him, this fact will only induce a very tragic and depressing and vexing reality. We, humans, and I do mean all of us, we who are made to love, don’t love the very Source of our love. We do not love the only Being who selflessly, unconditionally, and immutably loves us. If you objectively survey your own heart, you’ll see that everyone you love is based upon a selfish motive. No such thing can be said about Love (1 John 4)!

Trillions upon trillions of souls and probably trillions more to come will never love God with a disinterested, constant love. Can the philosophers or poets conjure up one line to express the anguish He must feel? The neglect is anthropological. Is there one amongst us who prays to pray and not out of need? YHWH, His Son, and the Holy Spirit are the most neglected persons in the Universe. There is so much more to be said, but how can I? My heart, it is too heavy. For, I can only tell you of this reality because I am conducive to the turning of its wheel. The truth is, no man loves God, not even one (Ps 14). Therefore, our only hope is in His consistent, copious mercy which renews every morning. Kyrie Eleison.

How kind the LORD is! How good He is! So merciful, this God of ours! Let my soul be at rest again, for the LORD has been good to me. He has saved me from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. What can I offer the LORD for all He has done for me?
— Psalm 116

A Necessary Complexity


Somewhere, Someone Can Define It