A True Master Of Patience
“To become impatient is to yield the decision to the adversary.” Howard Thurman
THE greatest thing about patience is not how one uses it, but how one uses it upon himself. I believe this is what separates God from humans. A.W. Pink says, “The patience of God is that excellency which causes Him to sustain great injuries without immediately avenging Himself.” There is an immense level of self-control, one that requires the omnipotence of the only God, to exude this kind of patience. A self-inflicted patience that is. I wonder, in awe, how the Triune God, communes with Himself. My iniquity, sin, and unfaithfulness does not allow me to conceptualize a perfect relationship. To think that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have never disagreed once in eternity past, present, or future is a remarkable display of love. Even more so, to think that Their love is so great that, there is no need for patience in Their relationship is breathtaking. The late R.C. Sproul once taught, “There is no competition or jealously within the Godhead.” Void of this vacuuming quality we can try to fathom the how of Their harmony, longevity, and constancy. Yet, like a deer in headlights I am frozen as I wonder what fuels it.
THE greatest thing about patience is not how one uses it, but how one uses it upon himself.
The crumbs of the answer is right here on earth, in a microscopic way. The Trinity is a relationship, albeit, a perfect one, we cannot conclude that certain qualities in our human relationships are not present in Their relationship. Our relationships, our humanity, our existence is carved out of Their Imago Dei. (How can an animal be made in God’s image?) For example, merely illustrative, the Father uses patience with Immanuel, and Immanuel has compassion for the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit exhibits understanding for the Father and the Son. Then, whenever needed, all these facets of love are used intelligently and precisely by each person towards each person of the Godhead all simultaneously instantaneously. There is never a cessation to this harmony. For two simple reasons, first, time doesn’t affect God. Two, they agape each other. I believe the love that the Trinity has for each other can be either a word or phrase or books or Encyclopedias. It isn’t something we can begin to think about. Their love for each other, is what Paul said is so holy that it is sinful to speak about in this life. Now, for my deep thinkers, one may ask, “What about Jesus on the cross? Surely, the relationship was broken then.” I respond, “A very great mystery this is indeed, but this mystery reveals the depth of Jesus’s love for the Father just as it does for us!” And we should rejoice because the day is coming when the Holy thrice God will help us to know as we are known!
Now, readers, I am humbled because such things are too lofty for me to even begin to think about. I strive to fathom how the triune God functions, so that I may love in the same way. Eventually, not just loving, but becoming Love as He is. If I cannot be patient with myself towards others who offend me, my desire will rot in my heart and the attainment of my potential will be as elusive as the wind. Again, A.W. Pink cautions, “We lose much if we do not frequently meditate upon the patience of God and earnestly pray that our hearts and ways be more completely conformed thereto.” For those of you who’ve read this far, pray for me and I will for you that we may go and be like our Father in Heaven!
“The Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion.”