Da U.S.A’s Never-Ending Hypocritical Maze
DO you know, economist predict, by 2030, the marijuana industry will be worth at least 100 billion dollars? The American economy will gross billions of dollars of drug money. I cannot believe this is our reality. America sells drugs. The fact that the drug has now been legalized, multiplies our sin because it is no longer sinful, but hypocrisy as well. Does this speak more to the omnipotence of the green god or human’s hubristic entanglement with white supremacy? If we begin with the latter, we must understand that white supremacy is not isolated to a specific ethnic group. White supremacy is a mindset or perspective or a philosophy of life. In nature, it desires power and does everything to keep power. There are Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics who perpetuate white supremacy just as there were Blacks who fought, as Confederates, in the Civil War. A group of people planning and advocating to decriminalize a drug that rotted, abased, and stigmatized men and women and the fruition of the plan is a tangible example of white supremacy. The sin continues to ferment when we realize that this crime, was only a crime, because certain people were guilty or is it that certain people once shamed it? How much power, money, and influence does one need to reverse the law? Really, I wonder, how deep and wide and long and high are one’s resources if they can quench the spirit of the law in plain view?
America sells drugs.
Must I pontificate upon the green god? Money reveals our primeval nature that we veil through amnesia. It is disgusting that money has corrosively and ultimately disintegrated our morals as water does to tissue. Everyone’s principles and morals and values are directly tied to money. There is no balance between truth and lie in our society. The dissenters are silenced and canceled, while those who tell lies, become lies and walk with their heads high as if it were truth. It appears that everyone within this capitalistic society will continue to sanction horrendous, fiendish evils with the same consistency and coldness of those who usher “justice”.
My mama, with all her regal wisdom, invested life into my moral bank, she says, “All money ain’t good money!” When money causes you to overlook human life, as a human, how can you not wonder deeply as to what it means to be human. The lifeless thing becomes alive and grants life while that which is the essence of life is seen as a stumbling block to “progression”. Once one’s common sense, conscience, and human heart hardens like a diamond the judger becomes the same as the judged. Think about this, what kind of animal must the judger become, what kind of antipathy must the judger possess in order to dehumanize its own kind? When America stands on trial, I will be a witness and let truth flow from my lips as clouds release water. I will fight to preserve the dignity of my Christian country, but I cannot lie for her. A monsoon approaches.
“I vibrate sympathetically to any protest against tyranny.”