Would it surprise you that the same spirit of injustice, that is so prevalent in the lives of Americans, is known just as intimately throughout the world? A prime example of our apathy lies in our gradual memory lapses of #EndSARS. But, before the plight rushes from your memory, please, allow me the pleasure to remind you. About seven thousand miles away in Africa are our brothers and sisters. In Nigeria lies a kind of terrisom that is too evil to even be discussed specifically. A special task police force named Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), was built out of revenge in 1992 after a respected leader was killed. SARS then invoked such terror, that even the Nigerian national police went into hiding. Men, once motivated with pure intentions, for months, feasted upon omnipotent power. Inevitably, corruption flowed through SARS like drugs through virgin veins. SARS began to occasionally terrorize women and children and emasculate men. Our brothers and sisters in Nigeria watched Americans stand up to the triple headed bully, and decided that 2017 would be the last year of systematic terrorism. Our brothers and sisters, are peacefully protesting to demand the termination of SARS. Kwame Ture once speculated the efficacy of peaceful protest, and he rightly asks, “What benefits come from pleading to a man with no conscience?” While peaceful protesting, one human fell asleep and will never arise until that Great Day. Ya’ know, just one human was stripped from their family forever, reduced to a memory. One. Now, you may say it’s just one, and that’s my point. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, have you been desensitized to evil? More than 15 people were murdered while peacefully protesting for their human rights. The government lazily claims that SARS has ended, but truthfully, they have only promised tolerance, not solutions.
Our brothers and sisters watched Americans stand up to the triple headed bully, and decided that 2017 would be the last year of systematic terrorism.
A man can only get beat for so long before he cries out, or worse, before he opens his mouth to free his Spirit. Mumia Abu-Jamal’s prophetic words describe every justice system in the world— he goes on to say, “[Nigerian police] are so powerful, so feared, that their very violation of the law is seen as legal.” You see, it’s a simple cause and effect. Men oppress and men revolt. But, when revolution requires a soul, how bold must one be to lead that revolt? Therefore, every protestor’s act of civil disobedience is a revolutionary act. One that, if kept burning, will prune the system afresh. This oppressive and wicked system has blinded us, and at the same time has taken the eyes of the world. Yet, the young Nigerian revolutionaries refuse to lie down, for hope is growing in their bellies like a newborn, and its birth is nearer than predicted.
Every protestor’s act of civil disobedience is a revolutionary act.
This injustice stenches the Earth to such extents that even the affluent like Beyonce, aka, Queenbee is aware of the plight. Now, there are few good folk, but instigators and murderers have no end—God have mercy upon us. It is up to us, as a family, to fight back. But, our main way of fighting is by being aware of the oppressor’s many schemes and tricks that are used to place shackles upon us. Don’t turn the channel, for even a retweet or a share could make a difference in the welfare of another human. Isn’t the command to treat others as we would like to be treated, innately planted within our hearts? Please, don’t ignore its tingle. #EndSARS
More information can be read upon on SARS here.
“Let your motto be resistance! Resistance! RESISTANCE! No oppressed people have ever secured their liberty without resistance.”