Someone Cares
This post is also featured on Columbia University's blog, The Witness.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him (Ps. 8).
There is a Spirit in this Universe that is Holy, Holy, Holy. He is so exalted that Earth is His doormat. The sky is His laundry line and on it He hangs the Sun and Moon and Stars. Might I add, this Holy Spirit paints the sky blue every morning and the dust from His clothes form the clouds that shade us. God, in all of His might and wisdom, taught us, humans, how to breathe. Be aware, God taught us a new thing, when we didn’t even have the capacity to learn. His lesson was so good that we breathe unconsciously now, and we call it “natural”. I say all of this to emphasize this point— God cares about you. The greatest Being to ever be makes us, His number one concern. The Angels war with the Demons day and night. The Earth requires undivided attention like a newborn. Yet, nothing has God’s attention like those made in His image. Did Romeo ever count the hairs on Juliet’s head? Since God is so invested in getting to know you, why would He ignore you at any point in your life— you of little faith. God cares about you, you only need to believe it for yourself.
God cares about you, you only need to believe it for yourself.
Every direction we turn there are unknowns and things beyond our control. Unexpected illness, bills, or drama in our lives sucks the hope and faith from us like a leech. So, in response to these unknowns we worry about things we have no control over and doubt God’s concern for us. Dr. Tony Evans eloquently compares worry to a rocking chair, he says, “Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, you do a lot of moving but don’t go anywhere!” Why do we worry? Has God ever given us a reason to doubt Him? But, reader, brace yourself, for I have some questions for you: Have you ever had money? If no, why start to worry about it now? God got you this far without it, why worry? I hear a protest in the back, “This is my first sickness, I never experienced illness.” I would reply, “Have you not seen the Lord’s mighty hand work in the life of one close to you?” “Have you never read in His Holy word, nothing is impossible for Him?” Or maybe one too weak to protest faintly asks, “What about my hunger?” To which I reply, “Will God feed a crying bird, before He supplies for His crying child?” Readers, all that looks like reality to us is dependent on God, including us. There is creation and Creator nothing more. God is faithful and He will graciously give us all we need. But, to hold on to this truth one needs a heart of faith. For, it is faith that brings assurance that the judge of all will do right. The Father of all people cannot do wrong; and, it is through faith in Him, that allows these words to echo in the deep chambers of our heart.
Has God ever given us a reason to doubt Him?
The grass you walk upon every day, never worries about positioning itself for sunlight. The trees never rush to reach for the sky. The chicken never burst forth from the egg, prematurely, because he has things to do. Reader, have you noticed that nature is never in a hurry, yet everything is accomplished? God cares for you, so why worry about anything? Reader, have you ever thought that we experience a far greater number of days of health and joy than we do of sickness and pain? We must vanquish the enemy of doubt and chase him away with passions of faith. Hope knocks at your window, you only need to let it in.
“He is originally good, good of Himself, which nothing else is; for all creatures are good only by participation and communication from God. He is essentially good; not only good, but goodness itself: the creature’s good is a super-added quality, in God it is His essence. He is infinitely good; the creature’s good is but a drop, but in God there in an infinite ocean or gathering together of good. He is eternally and immutably good, for He cannot be less good than He is; as there can be no addition made to Him, so no subtraction from Him.”