A Wandering Thought
MOSES the man of God, has been etched into the LORD’s historical record. The story of the Lord cannot be told without telling Moses’ story. What an honor right? Moses was entrusted with the most sacred object in human history— YHWH’s chosen people. Not only did Moses lead the people, but he was an avenue that the Lord’s fame rode down. For didn’t Pharaoh imply that the Lord was hidden and unimpressive when he asked, “Who is the LORD? I do not know the LORD (Exo. 5).” It is through Moses’ life that we learn of this God who goes beyond comprehension and articulation. The God who appeases the five senses, yet the five senses still cannot grasp who or what it has sensed.
Not only did Moses lead the people, but he was an avenue that the Lord’s fame rode down.
Amid the liberation and jubilation and revelation we read of, we cannot afford to overlook one subtle detail which created the Exodus story we admire. When the Lord made the walls of water crush Pharaoh’s army, the path back to Egypt was sealed with a watery lock forever. All consideration of going back to Egypt became a memory only ingrates and fools entertained. To return to Egypt would require a miracle that no human could produce, because one can only return to a place the way they left the place. As we walk this narrow path there are some nouns, we can no longer give life to. To do so would result in a slow, isolated death in the desert. We must keep moving forward because our faith and obedience and growth will produce the sweetest chain-reaction in our life. A life filled with presence of the only true God, who is our Salvation.
“[Faith in the Lord] is the birthday of the spirit of love in our souls, which, whenever we attain it, will feast our souls with such peace and joy in God that it will blot out the remembrance of everything that we called peace or joy before.”