4 A Brudda PT 1

Who can I compare him to? 

He’s bolder than David

Wiser than Solomon, sometimes

More loving than Boaz

More patient than Joseph 

I search the annals of history

Who can I compare him to?

He’s more poetic than Tupac

Better with his words than Toni Morrison 

More skilled with his hands than Ben Carson 

More curious than George Washington Carver 

I mean, who can I compare him to?

A Black man, no, an African man

They said, he was made from the ground

But, I think his black skin comes from the dark of night 

YHWH created him from the dust, and wrapped him in the night

He learned to fly, before he ever was born 

For the Earth was child’s play 

The oceans were mastered in his sleep 

He sits in the sky 

At the One who created it, feet

Beth-el, Beth-el, oh Beth-el 

May He dwell in your heart

I am not what I will be.
— Heath Lambert


