Life’s Cycle

I was raised by the sun

He taught me how 2 stand upright 

He gave me swagger

He prepared me for dark nights

The water raised me as well

She nourished me deeply 

She relieved me of his unmerciful burden 

So I always made time for her 

I welcome her with joy 

They became habits 

Painful and pleasurable 

They were great teachers and lovers 

One day I was consumed by a bird

My splendor and glory was stripped off of me


Only now I realize life ain’t 4 me


I fell about 60 feet

I am no longer a fruit 

I am reborn 

I am a beautiful, bountiful tree

When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.
— Vietnamese Proverb

A Hungry Heart


Elohim Chaseddi