Elohim Chaseddi

This God.

Who is He?

The God of my mercy

Even after eternity, I’ll only get a peak

This is my life’s question

Not because of curiosity, but to find the very essence and source of my being

When I dig a ditch and swan-dive headfirst

He meets me at the bottom

I fall into His love, I never touch the dirt

This God of my mercy

Encourages me as I climb

With His strength and breath I continue the journey

He is the hand that lifts me out the mud, no, the Light that guides me out, no, the movement of my body to climb

His Holy Spirit forever be renewing my mind

Those things I damage

He repairs and makes beautiful

It takes a shape I never knew it could

Although I deserve punishment, no, discipline as the theologians says

The hand He uses to deliver the blow, lags like cheap wifi

And the hand that should, pauses when every other hand would

The God of my mercy

I purchased death

He returned life

Through the fire with sorrow

Through life seasoned with plight

Jesus, Immanuel, God in the flesh

Has suffered long with me

Patiently burning as my Eternal, iridescent Light

My God (Elohim) in His lovingkindness (Chaseddi) will meet me;
God will let me look triumphantly upon my foes.
— Psalm 59

Life’s Cycle


Fermenting Love