All For My Wife

I swam to the Titanic and picked the pearls off of all the bodies in one breathe

All for my wife

I decoded the pyramid’s scheme

The Egyptians arose from death and made me king

I bathe in honey and nations bring me gifts 

All for my wife 

I am a poet 

I speak of deep things with human words 

I will exhaust this language 

And create a new one 

All for my wife

She is my treasure 

I, the noblest of knights 

There are different shades of rainbows 

Some can only be seen at night 

Angels direct us 

All for my wife 

I grew a garden and its trees became clothing for my wife 

I pick magnolias and delicately weave a dress 

We marry again and again each time with more splendor, a new rainbow, and new dress, and we dance like the wind and one leaf before our Creator 

Our love heals

Over love ushers in dawn 

Our love separates day from night 

Our loves sets the rhythm of nature

Our loves skips on the stars from one Milky Way to the next 

Our love is restless and immortal 

Look at what I’ve become and that which is done 

All for my wife 

Calamities have opened my heart. And tears have cleansed my eyes, and errors have taught me the language of the hearts.
— Khalil Gibran

Childlike Faith 


Bless Ma Wife