Childlike Faith 

“I am,” saith Life 

“Thou Art,” saith His Child 

With every step His Voice grew loud’er 

With every step His faith healed like myrrh 

There was no room to breathe doubt 

Only words of faith came out of His mouth 

Waves crashed 

His faith shouts 

The whip slashed 

His faith sprouts 

The Child loves 

The Child trusts

Confident in His God 

The Child concluded, “What can’t He do? The Words like my experiences are true. If He knew, then I know. If He gives, then I accept. I concern myself with careful, faith-filled steps. I am but a child and what difficulty is it to walk and breathe. My eyes focus steadily on the Life before me. I trust He’ll guide my feet.”

Faith is, essentially, an attitude rather than an act; it is that which lies behind the act. Faith is attitude of dependency, of recognized weakness. Faith is coming to the end of ourselves and looking outside ourselves—away from our ourselves. Faith is that which gives God His proper place.
— A.W. Pink

A Common Lament


All For My Wife