One Way Is A Way

Searching North, East, South, and West 

To the North I look—isn’t this the way? 

If you’re ever lost, go North they say. 

So North I go, until I can go no more 

Before me stands the oceans door 

So East I go 

Like the praying Jew

Towards East I flow 

Hoping for a sign as I pray with faith 

East I go with the Sun on my face 


The heat turns me around 

South I stand 

I march on until I’m found 

Surely this is the way 

Endurance encourages 

And I march on with vigor 

Until I run into a land where I’m only known as a Nigger

Ethical debates I don’t have to engage in 

For the heart is spoiled and no hope is there 

So with a deep sigh, my hope lingers

Yes it grows dim 

But there it is nevertheless 

So I fast and pray and then I head West 

Along this path I go

Naive like the child 

Looking, searching, watching for the path that leads to the city with firm foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

I am a stranger with Thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
— Psalms

My Love


Great, Great Love